Hunt in North Dakota where the ducks want to be.

Waterfowl hunter?

The options are many and  things are always changing.   Early in the season usually brings warm weather to chase the local geese and ducks in just a long sleeve shirt.  But, it’s not unusual to see snow the first week of October.  The ducks are brown, with the summer plumage just starting to be replaced with color.  

With some work you may find some mallards and Canada’s using stubble but usually the first weeks of the season are best hunted in the potholes where the local birds gather, picking up the first migrants.  It’s blue-wings, gadwalls, mallards and pintails along with some local redheads, spoonbills and scaup.   Scout, spend the time and you will get a limit.

As the season ages into October, anything can happen.  Diver numbers grow as the season moves towards November.  Canvasbacks historically comes through the third week of October and the adult drakes look awesome.  Hunting pressure around our property pushes the ducks to the many sloughs on Hunt Dakota land.  Use our property map and onX to explore the opportunities.  Look at our Where to Hunt page for some help in identifying opportunities.  

In October, flexibility is key!  Every day is a new opportunity with the possibility of new ducks.  Again, if you put in the time you will find a good hunt.   If there are some nights with a freeze, look to the bigger water.  Reminder – every year is different, you just have to adapt to where the ducks want to be. That’s part of the fun.  They will be there, you just need to find them and with our maps, local info and some road time you can get some great time with the ducks.  

It can happen any time.   It’s all about the weather but when duck season yields to the weather it can be as good as it gets.  Birds come and go but many stick and stay as long as the water and fields are open.  Even with inches of snow, the ducks know where to go and it doesn’t get any better than this.  

Like to chase geese?

If you want to take advantage of some of the best Canada goose hunting, it is here.   From the beginning of the season when the locals are abundant with early migrants mixed in with them to the back end of the season when Canadas and Snows seem to be everywhere, you can find a goose field on or off of our property.   Snows?   Yeah they are here and in huge numbers from the last week of October until freeze up on the big waters.  It’s not difficult to find a place to hunt, just ask.  


Upland birds

Hunt Dakota has pheasants.  With the diversity of habitat on the property, the abundance of sloughs for winter habitat and the wealth of food in the fall with our small grains and bean fields, we have pheasants. The cover in the fence rows and the sloughs next to the grain fields provide a great opportunity to find birds taking a break from feeding in the morning.   With no pressure from others, they are there for you to find.  

Grouse?  As a native species they thrive here.  Look in the hills on the north side of our property, in the native lands and you will likely find them with the help of a good dog. 

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